Key Stage 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Higgerson

Welcome to Year 1 and 2

        Teachers and their classes 

Miss Armstrong    Buttercup Class Year 1/2 
Miss Pickstock     Daffodil Class Year 1/2 
Miss Mercer        Sunflower Class Year 1/2

Support Staff

Mrs Clare

Mrs Connor 

Miss Ellett

Mrs Le Lievre


Whilst homework is not compulsory in Key Stage 1, we would encourage you to support your child in completing any homework sent home. The homework sent home is further practice of the objectives taught during the week in your child's lessons.
Homework will be issued weekly for Maths and Phonics and will be sent out on a Thursday. Homework will usually be set and marked on Purple Mash. Your login has been sent in the reading bag. Please keep it in a safe place. Any paper tasks set will be sent home in the reading bag. You will also receive a weekly reading book which will be sent home on a Thursday after the children have read in school. We ask this is returned by Wednesday so that books can be changed over. Please remember to fill in your child's Reading Record to let us know how they got on at home.


The children read in a variety of ways e.g. shared reading, guided reading groups, phonics lessons, reading for pleasure, collaborative reading etc.

On the English Curriculum Page you can find out about reading expectations in KS1.

Guided reading session’s support children develop specific reading skills based on their ability. The teacher uses prior knowledge and year group expectations to plan for these sessions.

The children will bring home the reading book that they have read in school. This means they will have already started this book, should be familiar with it and adult comments will identify focus and next steps. 

We are very grateful for the time you take to read with your children at home and this without a doubt impacts on their progress. We ask that you fill in any parent comments about how your child has got on and return the reading record.

Phonics and Spellings

In KS1 we are using Little Wandle to teach phonics.

Within phonics sessions a range of strategies for learning spellings are introduced and practiced. This enables pupils to choose the strategies they find most effective for learning different words.

More detailed information about Phoncs and Early Reading can be found on the English Curriculum Page.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to speak to your child’s teachers.

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Greenleas Primary School

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We take great pride in the fact that we have a happy and inclusive school in which the whole community work together to help our children to reach their potential. We want our children to be the very best they can be!

Contact Us

Greenleas Primary School, Green Ln, Wallasey, CH45 8LZ


0151 639 1225


[email protected]

Main Contact

Mrs S Denton (Office Manager) or Mrs A Chong (Administration Assistant)