Upper Key Stage 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Jones
Welcome to Year 5 and 6
Teachers and their classes:
Azalea Class - Mrs Jones AHT and Band Leader
Ivy Class - Mrs Ward / Mrs Hummerston
Lotus Class - Miss Webster
Support Staff:
Mrs Cattrell
Miss Jones
Ms Turner
In Years 5 and 6 as we prepare for our next stage in education, we would encourage you to support your child in completing any homework sent home. The homework sent home is further practice of the objectives taught during the week in your child's lessons.
Homework will be issued weekly for Maths and Spelling. Maths will be sent home on a Friday and Spellings will be sent on a Monday. Year 5 and 6 will also continue to have access to TT Rockstars and Read Theory which will be monitored by their class teacher. As we move into Upper Key Stage 2 the children will have access to a range of high quality texts that they will bring home for Reading. These should be returned when your child is ready to move on to a new book. The children will also have access to a text that is set at their reading ability and will have opportunities throughout the week to read this with their class teacher and teaching asssistant.
The children read in a variety of ways e.g. shared reading, guided reading groups, phonics lessons, reading for pleasure, collaborative reading etc.
On the English Curriculum Page you can find out about reading expectations in KS2. We ask that you encourage your child to read at least three times per week. As they get older, they may be reading more independently, which is wonderful, but taking time to listen to them read a couple of pages is a lovely experience to share together.
In KS2 we are using Spelling Frame to encourage the children to use and apply a range of spelling strategies and rules that have been introduced and practiced in school. This enables pupils to choose the strategies they find most effective for learning different words.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to speak to your child’s teachers.
Please visit our Twitter feed to keep up-to-date with the exciting things going on in the year 5/6 department!
Upper Key Stage 2: Calendar items
KS2 Swimming, by Ms Office
Y6 Level 3 Bikeability, by Ms Office